A Visit to a Hospital English Essay, A hospital is a place where patients are cured. It proves to be a refuge for the wretched and ailing people. It presents a pathetic view as it ever remains crowded with the afflicted and diseased people. Last Friday, I with my father went to a hospital. We went there to inquire after one of our relatives. I was simply amazed to see a great rush of patients there. I wondered why such a great number of people fell ill. I asked my father about it. He simply smiled and said, "Mostly it is due to the unhygienic conditions. People living in unhealthy places are promptly prone to fall ill". Anyhow, we reached the surgical ward where our relative was admitted. To my amazement, it was also full of patients.
Some patients were crying and moaning with pain, Some were reclining on pillows and some were lying in beds. It was a pathetic sight to see the patients crying with pain. A doctor told us, "All the wards of the hospital ever remain full of patients. Many are discharged daily but new patients take their places. So the hospital remains full of them" Then we met our relative and inquired after his health. He told us that the facilities in the hospital were wonderful. The doctor examine the patients twice daily. The conditions of cleanliness were excellent. He told us that most of the patients were provided with free medicines. The food given to the patients was simple but nutritious. In the meanwhile, the superintendent of the hospital came there to inspect the conditions of the patients. We met him praised his administration. He was a polite fellow. He thanked us for the appreciation. After this we returned home.(
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