Welcome Google Penguin 3.0 Update!

For all those who do not know, Google Penguin is a name of a certain Google Algorithm update. This update was first announced in April 2012. The basic purpose of it is to reduce search engine rankings of different websites that intrude upon Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. For the purpose of violation, black-hat SEO techniques are used that involve in growing artificially the number of a webpage by manipulating the amount of links pointing to the page. These are also known as link schemes. Thus, Google has now declared all updates to the Penguin filter to the public. Websites that have quality content are considered to be quite safe from the latest Google Update thus, they may flourish to make money online blogging.
In February 2011, named as Panda, Google released a series of algorithm updates before Penguin. The target of Panda was to down rank websites that did not provide satisfactory user experience. Later, in January 2012, Page Layout Algorithm Update/ Top Heavy update was released. This update was to target the website that had a great number of ads or had too little content above the fold. The basic goal of all aforesaid updates is to bring up those websites on the Google search results that are of higher quality so bloggers who are making serious efforts to make money online blogging. 

welcome Google Penguin 3.0 Update

Google 3.0 update

It has been almost a year since Google has launched another Penguin update and left people in anticipation until now. Many believed that a radical change would come with Penguin 3.0 update. Recently launched in October, Google 3.0 update has gotten us all taking. Like other updates, this too has the aim to eliminate spam on the web searches, but major changes are expected in near future.In order to make money online wisely, bloggers and webmasters have to take Google updates really seriously as, it can really affect the way they adopt to make money online blogging.

Target Web Spams

The amount of affected queries is unknown at present but the aim of Google 3.0 update is well known i.e. to clear the web of spams. It is also expected to allow for refreshes to take place more often. For the information, this is the sixth release of Penguin. This update has been one of the most anticipated and awaited algorithm updates in the history of Google, according to Search Engine Land. The point is that if a web is hit by Penguin then it has to wait until the next update in order to check if the changes made by the webmaster are correct and in accordance with what is required. Thus, the waiting period for next update is quite a long time for many webmasters. 
Google Penguin 3.0 Update

Remove Spam All Over There

This latest update of Google provides webmasters with the opportunity to acknowledge if they have had a clean link profile. It hints to get some analysis done if changes are seen in the ranking of the website either good or bad. There are various ways to recover from Penguin and these are given in the form of articles and blogs on the web. Thus, one can find out ways to clean before next update to make money online wisely.

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