Google Updates and how they affect Your Blog Ranking?

Every blogger who is here to make money online wisely, certainly knows about Google. Google is actually your best friend if you are adopting right ways to earn money while promoting your sites or blogs. In fact, GoogleAdsense is the most powerful and quick way to make money online if you are working hard with required level of honesty. This is a different topic that which manners are helpful to get quick Google Adsense or how Successful Bloggers are making huge money with Adsense? However, many people are still here who are not happy with Google terms and policies. It is because, according to them, Google does not take much care of bloggers even they served huge time understanding and working according to these critical policies.

Google Terms and Policies

Google actually like you if you like Google's rules. Many bloggers and web masters are found to make use of certain bad habits or wrong ways to promote their blogs in order to make money online wisely. This is what Google hates. Therefore, Google has to maintain some more considerate rules so, every blogger should obtain what he or she did. Google has been updating its algorithms after few months every year so, spam content hence, spam site and blogs can be identified and took to an end.

Recent Google Updates

As we can also found latest Google update in 2014 that has affected blogs all over the internet world. Many people are again complaining that once again, Google has done wrong with them. On the other hand, many blogs (that are used to make money online blogging) received higher page ranks as Google found them worth for it.

How to make Google Happy?

So, what you have to do to make Google happy? In simple words, you have to be honest and make use of just positive (white hat techniques) in order to promote your sites, to be at safe side every time whenever Google updates arrive!

If you really want to become a successful Blogger to make money online blogging, you have to keep these things in mind!

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