Purpose of Google Panda 4.0 Update

All bloggers who blog and earn through Google Adsense have to be careful about all Google terms and conditions to make money online wisely. For instance, every year Google uses to change its algorithms for search engine results. Most of these changes are small and do not have a major impact on the search results, but few of those updates hits the sites badly especially those blogs and websites that are being used to make money online wisely and are causing any violation to Google Adsense policies either intentionally or unintentionally. The Google Panda 4.0 update and Google Penguin are best examples of such major updates that influenced many bloggers who use to make money online wisely. Last time, Google Panda 4.0 update seen on May 20th, 2014 and many websites got hit by this update. Those sites received their ranking down in the search results.
Google Panda 4.0 Update

Reason to launch Google Panda 4.0 Update 

The Google is a major search engine probably after it has been evolved and if its users make use of low quality or false information, its popularity can go down. Low and false content websites get ranking by keywords database so Google decided to decrease all those sites ranking with spin or bad quality content. That was the actual reason why Google introduced its Panda 4.0 Update.

Purpose of Google Panda 4.0 Update

Purpose of Google Panda 4.0 Update
The major purpose of this update was to take the ranking of bad quality content sites down so that the users can only get the quality content when they search anything in Google. When I did research on its purposes, I found the one main point which was the quality of content. Only due to low quality content of the sites, Google Panda 4.0 update kicked all those sites from search results even all blogs that were being used to make money online blogging just to make the quality of search even better. In addition to this, this update acted as a companion for all bloggers and web masters who pay attention towards quality of content but failed to gain traffic just because of fake or false content. 

Use Original Content for Ranking

Google has made the system of getting good ranking in search results, which is possible by sharing original content on your site. No matter which kind of blog or website you are running but, its content must be unique. Even you can keep the content length smaller such as 350 words on each post, but that must be unique. Many bloggers try to fool Google by posting copied content. Remember that Google has establish a proper approach for checking each and every policy violation so only honest and hard working bloggers and webmasters can take profits from Google Adsense. If you practice this technique and do not use bad quality content, Google Panda 4.0 Update will never hit your site and you will be able to make money online wisely using Google Adsense.

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