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How to Write Full Blog Post?

Write Full Blog Post

How to Write Full Blog Post?

Writing a full blog post in blogger is simple. I always say that blogging is easy even if you want to make money online blogging. I will try to guide you for everything related to blogging in Pakistan so, you can make money online wisely and easily. If you write good post with useful information and it’s good in format then you will be able to rank your blog higher to make money online wisely. Today, we are going to create a blog post with image, text and links to make a full or compete blog post with maximum formatting options. First of all, find some images and then write your own content (Read Also: How to write Quality Content?) after that then find a link related to your article (Read Also: Top page Rank websites for backlinks). Now, add some images in your blog post. If you don't know how to upload images in blogger then check this tutorial on "How to insert image in blogger?"
Now, after you write a compelling and useful piece of writing, paste it in blogger. After you insert it, settle it in good position. After that, insert images and then insert links where you want. Now you have created a simple post. Adding suitable headings in content increase its visibility in reader’s eyes as well as search engines also regard content having suitable headings. That eventually helps to make money online blogging.

How to write quality article?

You all know that writing quality content is much important. If you write a simple content without using any keywords (Read Also: How to choose Top Paying keywords?) and images then it will not to rank high in search engine and your blog post will be of no use. So, if you want to know how to write a good blog post then see another blog post on "Simple search engine optimization SEO tactics", this blog post will help you to rank blog high. This post tells you how to adjust your keyword in post. After seeing it, you will be able to write a powerful content for your blog post.

 Inserting images to blog post

Inserting images in your post will literally rank up your post plus it also makes your post beautiful. Find here How to insert images in a blog post? If you insert image in post then add alt text to the image. Search engines do not like images without Alt text. It will further help you to rank better in search results to make money online wisely or to make money online blogging.

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